Friday, July 17, 2009

The Pen is Mightier than the Sword...

I just wrote this one out on the lake and came in specifically to type it up. It's a somber Johnny Cash-type song. I've written a few other notes this week that I'll be putting up here, but they need to be tweaked first. This one took me literally about 8 minutes to write. The good ones usually are the easiest, at least in my experience. However, I will definitely be tweaking this one and adding onto it or something. And for what it's worth, this is the first time I've ever felt any anger come through in a poem. It felt justified though. And although there's anger in there, it's not violent anger. It's more just sad (if that makes sense).

Now this Big Old Boy
Was Deaf and Dumb
Tall and Dark
w/ no use for his tongue

But with his blade
His song was sung
And I wear the scars
That cant be undone
See on my body
these scars are hung
Stabbed in the back
Stabbed in the lung

You took a whole outta Me!!!!!!!!
But I aint going out that easily!!!
(no, no,

"Off with his head"
He must have thought
When he jumped and sliced
And thoroughly chopped
And over What?
A couple of girls?
Gonna use that knife to take me outta this world?

Jugular vein - barely spared
And you claim to be innocent, you don't even care
But I nearly died - Care you should
Fucking Rot in Hell Andre Hood


And Mr. Green, your little buddy
He can go too
At least I knocked him funny

And I dont get you, but you are a bad man
Writing a story, with a knife in your hand
My flesh your paper
My skin your notebook
And w/ that cursive you scribbled
My life you almost took

And they say "dont judge a book, by it's cover"
But I've read enough of you, to pity you brother


You claim you're the victim
Handicap Signing your buffer
In my opinion it should be
One eye for another.

You are a bad human
You define "No Good"
Fucking Rot in Hell Andre Hood


  1. Hell yeah, i could definitely feel the rage! Nice work brotha!

  2. I remember when you were in S.D. for sentencing. the picture is very graphic and we all feel very lucky to still have you here mase. I understand the rage you hold on to, and it really is a reminder, for me, that I need to work on getting rid of some of that rage. I don't know how... it manifests in so many ways. I isolate myself and forget to trust my friends. I see the justice in the justice system if he only got [halftime on] 9months for this. (though Im not a big supporter of imprisonment...) makes you wish for karma, and Im sure you've looked at a million facets of that prism.

  3. The inner pain that you've held in and the truth behind these words will set you free of hostility and rage. Sometimes the hardships we face make for the best writings. You are able to express such zealous and honest feelings to us all and I'm grateful for that and thankful you are here and may all the rest, someday disappear.
