Thursday, August 20, 2009

Mister Baseball

I started rapping this in line for Coffee the other day. It's for my buddy Eric Scriven who just got called to go play minor league baseball. Scriv's the shit, and he's out chasing his dreams inspiring me daily! Enjoy the read.

Mister Baseball
Mister Bat and Ball
Mister, I'm glad to see that you got your call

Late summer hanging out
Hanging on a mic
Beneath the stars w/ guitars
It's poems we recite

Freestyle rappin
to the strummin of the strings
Fingers snapping
Playing the drum on my knee

It's passed, but man, some goodtimes we had

Mister Strum-along
Mister come singalong
Mister, it's sure a joy to write you a song

Late summer and you're off
Off to the Midwest
Playing a game you love
As for competitors you're the best.

A true warrior
Warring your Will
Out to Joliet
With dreams to fulfill

On the field, the game you wield

Mister good time
Mister rap and rhyme
Mister, put all out and you will do fine

Glad thatcha came
Not mad that you're gone
Just comeback soon so we can put music to this song...

My friend. My Pal.
You're the man.
Player or Person
You know I'm a fan...

But also a friend, a friend till the end

Mister Baseball
Mister Bat and Ball
Mister, I'm glad to see that you got your call