Saturday, July 18, 2009

Plastic is the Devil

Here's my ultra hippy granola eating poem fresh off the grill. Just wrote it out on the lake, and in all honesty, plastic is sketch and we should all try to use as little of it as possible. It's obviously unavoidable at times, but I'm just trying to spread awareness!! And this is going to sound really radical, but there should be some drastic government intervention on this matter. We have the ability to make soy plastic that is biodegradable, but instead, we keep making normal plastic that is going to be hanging out with the cockroaches in a baziillion years. (Sigh.) And I'm sure someone can (and maybe will) tell me how much it'll cost businesses and how we cant afford it...blah blah blah. We have the technology, lets find a way to make the most out of it. Further, if you're unfamiliar with the fact that there is two gigantic (texas-size) plastic trash piles floatin in the Pacific, please Google North Pacific Gyre.

Grocery store: Plastic or paper?
Do me a favor and please say the latter.
Sea, plastics the Devil, and it's know laughing Matter

Out in the Pacific, On the Sunsets Mantel
There's a garbage pile, Floating trash channel.

Bigger than Texas and loaded w/ Debris
Scary to learn about what's floating in the Sea
Plastic Bags and Rubber Tires
Flood this place, The North Pacific Gyre
It's baffling to me, and crazy to think
No one's batting an eye, or making a stink
But I certainly care, I find it appalling
Plastic Bags, we should start recalling

Plastic Bags, they wont biodegrade
Plastic in general, is a crime and shame
And Plastic Bottles, are too to blame
From All Plastic, we really must abstain

You will never hear me say again
"plastic please"
Cuz I'm Mother Natures Friend

1 comment:

  1. I know its serious but it really made me laugh. I can see you saying this all exaggerated and acted out: "Sea, plastics the Devil, and it's know laughing Matter"
